Sunday, November 18, 2007

It takes all Kinds--in a lighter Vein

If you are going to ask why a shidduch was turned down you just might find out--and be very thankful that you avoided that particular shidduch. Someone red a shidduch for one of my daughters. It was turned down by the boy's side and I, silly me, asked why.

We are Leviim. Some of the privileges extend to our daughters as well. A bas Levi does not have to make a pidyon ha'ben. And that is why the shidduch was turned down. The father of the boy--they do have them you know, wanted the z'chus of making a pidyon for his first grandchild--as yet unborn and sex unknown. It takes all kinds.


Anonymous said...

that's just beyond stupid...
maybe you can turn it around to your advantage and say that your future mechatanim will save money on a party...

Anonymous said...

That is... weird. Kind of makes you glad you don't have to deal with them.