Monday, February 16, 2009

Not the Bates Motel, a Roach Motel.

In case you are wondering about the rash of reading posts, I've begun my Pesach cleaning and I'm giving myself sanity breaks to scroll around online and see what there might be of interest.
I accidentally came across a site called, and on this site I found an article on how to raise cockroaches intentionally, with step by step instructions and fully illustrated. As the article says, it's intention is to give "simple instructions on how to make a happy habitat for cockroaches to thrive." Until I found this article I had no idea that roaches needed happy habitats, or that roach thriving was a positive social virtue. You learn something new every day.

And being just a tad woozy on bleach fumes, I had an "Aha!" moment on how this discovery linked to my posting on Shidduch dating in NY. Clearly, many New Yorkers believe that NY is the center of the known world. There is nothing that you desire that cannot be gotten in NY, and in larger and better quantity than anywhere else. I will concede that those making this statement are correct, when it comes to cockroaches. Until I came to NY I had never seen a cockroach; imagine what I was missing in my life. If the author of this article wants to really know how to raise thriving cockroaches she should ask a New Yorker; they do an incredible job of raising roaches here. Why, you can find those roaches in the finest of dining establishments and the poshest of hotels. What city residence is considered complete without at least one mating pair of roaches? Oh yes, and yet another reason to consider Staten Island as out of town rather than a bonafide part of New York City: roaches are a relative rarity in the borough. We get other types of livestock, but roaches clearly don't prefer to live in this borough despite the many advantages it offers.

Roach capital of the tri-state area: This is one encomium I'm just as happy that Oregon never aspired to.


Anonymous said...

I haven't admitted that Purim is coming yet and you are cleaning for Pesach?!!!!!! And roaches---yuck!!! I'd argue with you about roaches in New York but it doesn't seem to be as big a problem for my friends living out of town. Can't think of an apartment building here that doesn't have regular visits from the exterminators.

SuperRaizy said...

You've begun your Pesach cleaning?!?!
Why, oh why would you do that? It just prolongs the agony. {sobbing}

Anonymous said...

"started Pesach cleaning"????

Are you trying to make the rest of us look bad? :-)

Everyone knows that the Onah for Pesach cleaning starts immediately after Purim!
