Sunday, March 14, 2010

When the Weather Turns Deadly

In the last month the NY/NJ area has gotten slammed with a blizzard, a snowacane and just now a semi-mabul of torrential rain. Lots of jokes made about our weather this year, but not all the associated happenings of that weather are funny. Indeed, some are tragic.

Right now my heart is weeping for Teaneck and the families of the two men who were killed walking home from Maariv on Shabbos when part of a tree fell on them. Yes, the power outages were not fun and the gale force winds and the damage to property. But all that pales against a loss of life. We worry about how so many things will affect us, but this we somehow never expect.

May their families be comforted among the mourners of Tzion, and may they know of no more tzar.


Lion of Zion said...

baruch dayan emet

Trudy said...

First I'm hearing of this tragedy. Horrible to contemplate.

Baruch Dayan Ha'emes