Thursday, September 16, 2010

An Oldie but a real Goodie

My father introduced me at a young age to the recordings of some of the finest chazonim the world has ever known. He loved the music of Yossele Rosenblatt, and particularly before Yom Kippur he would spend time listening to Rosenblatt's rendition of Kol Nidre. The link below is to Rosenblatt's Kol Nidre, and for those of you who appreciate the output of a talented chazan, even the age of the recording cannot take away from the obvious feeling that poured forth.

1 comment:

efrex said...

If you haven't already heard, there's a new release of Rosenblatt's records on digitally remastered CD, put out by Mordechai Ben David's brother. The NY Times did a piece on it a while back, and while I've read some mixed reviews, the overall consensus seems to be that these are essential for the Rosenblatt lover.

Neptune and Jupiter have to be in perfect synchronization for me to be in the mood for chazzanut, but it really is a splendid spiritual artistic form.