Thursday, June 5, 2008

Getting into Gear

It's erev Shabbos and almost erev Shavuous. I've managed to stay calm, cool and collected but I feel frenetic time creeping up on me. I mentioned that we give kiddush in the house on the first day of yom tov. Somewhere between 90-120 people are showing up (why do people never rsvp?!) and here I am typing. Afraid I am going to have to leave and do something my guests might consider constructive.

Let me wish all my readers a shabbat shalom and an early gutten yom tov. I'd like also to wish SerandEz a mazal tov on the birth of a daughter. And if you are in the mood for some reading to get your blood roiling and boiling head on over to Brooklyn Wolf at or head over to look at a lively conversation on schools and tuition at


SaraK said...

90-120 people in YOUR HOUSE? Wow! You are brave! I hope your central A/C is working! Supposed to be in the 90s. Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach.

Anonymous said...

A lot of work for that many people. For a special occasion?
A good shabbos and a good yom tov.

Anonymous said...

If there is cheesecake can I get invited too? No, huh. Well a chag sameach anyway to you too.

Anonymous said...

If there is cheesecake then why not a recipe posted? Maybe for the nine days? Have a chag sameach.

Anonymous said...

Your kiddush in the house reminds me of the first year we were out of town, 14 years ago. We had come from NY and someone in our new shul was giving a kiddush at home. My husband and I didn't know what to do about the invitation. In Brooklyn home kiddushim were very small and you invited only those who knew you really well and who you knew really well because everyone's kashrus depended on all kinds of differences. Whose shechita was being used? What hechsher was on the products? Most of the kiddushim were in shul for that reason.

We spoke to the shul rabbi and he explained about being out of town. Huge difference here. It took us a while but we did adapt. When a community is smaller and everyone knows what is cooking in everyone elses pots and we all buy from basically the same places then home kiddushim are just mostly not a problem.

I don't accept invitations when our parents come to visit because they can't believe that we would eat multiple hechshers (all of them glatt kosher by the way)or use OU products instead of the heimishe ones.

Enjoy your kiddush. Definetly sounds like you don't live in Brooklyn.