I know that it has been well over a year since I last posted on the blog--a whole lot of family issues and work that needed taking care of. However, despite a crazy erev Pesach schedule, I wanted to get this news out there.
All the years I was blogging I made mention that hubby and I were going to be retiring to Las Vegas. Well, we should all recognize that change (other than the Ribboneh Shel Olam) is the only constant in our lives--and change has come into my life. We're going to be leaving New York come the end of June, but not to Las Vegas--we've purchased a home in Boca Raton, Florida. Yup, heading south instead of west. I guess we finally realized that moving to where a lot of our friends are now going to be living, as well as some family, has merit. And a 2-hour flight from Boca to NY when we pop up to visit the kids and my mom is a lot more doable than a 5-1/2 hour flight from Vegas. At least Florida like Vegas has no state tax, so there are financial benefits as well.
Let me wish you all a chag kasher v'sameach. And let me also remind you that eventually dreams come true, even if not quite what you may have envisioned when you started the dreaming.