• You must thank the person who has given you the award. (Okay)
1. I'm beginning to dislike the number 7. Ever meme asks for 7 things and even this reward requires 7 things. I vote that we go back to no more than can be counted on the fingers of one hand, excluding the thumb. My only exception is going to be the seventh day of the week--Shabbos. There I love the number 7.
2. I like thinking in my mind and listening to people speak but for absolute clarity I have to get things down on paper so I can see them. I was the student who always took notes because that was the way I remembered and made sense of things.
5. I'm with G6 on this one--I do NOT take out the garbage. Fairly sure there's a codicil in my Kesubah that covers me on this one: I shall create the garbage and he/they shall remove it from my presence.
6. I'm a deeply rooted sentimentalist. I don't believe in new just because it IS new. New will have to prove its worth to me before I'll replace what I know, use and like. However, that being said.....
7. When it comes to labor saving devices, especially the ones used for running a household, I'm all in favor of the ones that have made life simpler and easier. Don't even think of saying to me that a food processor or microwave oven or vacuum cleaner or washer and dryer aren't necessities.
• Nominate 7 other Kreativ Bloggers.
This one is not quite so easy as the others. For one thing, a lot of the people I'd have nominated have already been nominated. And for another, some of the blogs I read I think don't quite fall into the category that's being looked for. But I'll give it a try, and apologies ahead of time if I don't quite make it to 7--see my comment above about my feelings about the number 7.
If you haven't been there yet (and why haven't you?!), I hereby nominate SerandEz for this award. http://serandez.blogspot.com/ Never know quite what I'm going to get there, but it's always interesting. (And before you yell Ezzie, the maxim says that if you want something done, ask a busy person: they know how to make time: ergo, I'm nominating you.)
A blogger fairly new to the circuit is Harry-er. http://ayeshivishharry.blogspot.com/ I like his use of quotations and stories to build a post around. I think that good bloggers should be encouraged to develop. Looking forward to seeing his blog grow.
I know that she has already been nominated, but if she hadn't I for sure would have nominated bad4 for this award. http://bad4shidduchim.blogspot.com/ And yes, the same goes for G6 http://guesswhoscoming2dinner.blogspot.com/ And anyone who thinks that these two "non" nominations don't count for the seven required, well, I wasn't a math major and I can add any way I want to.
I seem to have an affinity for learning-type blogs. Two I particularly enjoy are Matt at http://kankanchadash.blogspot.com/ and The Rebbetzin's Husband at http://rechovot.blogspot.com/ I believe that both of these bloggers offer creativity along with their content. And interspersed between the Divrei Torah are some really interesting personal takes on a lot of ideas and topics that we all can chew on. And whatever their reactions are to these awards, I just know they are going to forgive me for adding to their busy lives right now; after all, it's almost Yom Kippur. (At worst, they'll both produce a derasha on why blogs with divrei Torah should be exempt from blogging awards, and I'd bet they would be interesting derashot too.)
I'm also nominating SuperRaizy over at http://superraizy.blogspot.com/ She's got an eclectic group of postings, which I like. Reading her blog also reminds me of why God, in His wisdom, gave the raising of children to the young. I surely remember some of the child raising situations she writes about, and I'm surely happy that I'm reading about them instead of still doing them.
Yup, that's seven, fuzzy math and all.
• Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate. (Done)
* Leave a comment on all 7 blogs to notify them they have been nominated. This is the chicken little moment and I'm definitely going to do this, but I'm going to plead erev yom tov-itis. Right after yom tov--I promise!
Congrats on the award--well deserved. Sat down for a minute to have a coffee and saw the posts from today. Did you finish making yom tov last week?! Not complaining, just saying.
Have a shana tovah.
Great job!
... and I hate lateness and am a big sentimentalist too....
All the best for a shana tova.
Congratulations on the award--always knew you were creative.
Agree about the first borns. New parents with a first child are very rule conscious and try to do everything by the book. By the time they get to the younger siblings the parents have relaxed and learned that nothing catastrophic is going to happen if you don't follow those rules exactly. But the firstborn personality is already set.
Also a first born here and married to a first born. Seems we understood where we were coming from.
I just don't get it. What is it about garbage and women? I mean it's not like women don't get their hands dirty with lots of other stuff. They change dirty diapers. They mush their hands into all kinds of yucky raw food stuff, they clean toilets. Why stop at taking out the garbage?
Or is this one of this male-female things that just doesn't have a logical answer?
Thank you so much! I'm so glad that you find something worthwhile to read on my blog (once in a while, anyway.)
I have posted my "acceptance speech" but I'm not too sure that you're gonna like it...
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